A new edition of Dripline is out!

The February-April 2018 edition of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page. Issue 23 gives thanks to Sally, who has been our designer for the past 13 issues. In this issue, read in detail about the daily tasks of caring for a baby on HPN (Home Parenteral Nutrition), written by mother Shannyn; read Emily’s …

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A new edition of Dripline is out!

The November-January 2018 edition of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page. Read about Jodie’s life on HPN; Gillian’s HPN routine adjustments for Quality of Life purposes; sadly PNDU has lost another member, Celena, whose HPNer friend has written a beautiful tribute; read about PNDU activities, especially around HPN Awareness Week last October; the results of an …

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Resource – Artificial Nutrition: Guide to Transitioning to Adulthood

PNDU is excited to share this comprehensive and valuable resource produced by the French support group for people on HPN and HEN (La Vie par un Fil https://www.lavieparunfil.com/). We believe it may be of great value particularly in relation to the emotional, psychological and behavioural aspects of young people on HPN transitioning to adulthood – a …

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PNDU at AuSPEN Conference November 2017 at the Gold Coast, Queensland

It was great for PNDU to be there, be seen, reconnect with PNDU friends and supporters (clinicians and industry) and meet other HPN clinicians.  Thank you AuSPEN for again allowing PNDU to exhibit for free at this important event.  Here’s Karen and Chris’ time at the conference in pictures … PNDU on display (Photo courtesy …

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PNDU social gathering in Auckland – cancelled

PLEASE NOTE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. PNDU is bringing together current members and new HPN families for a relaxed time of meeting and chatting about life on HPN in a non-medical environment.  This is just for HPNers (past and present, adults and kids) and their families, so there will be no giving/receiving of medical …

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Orange Line receive’s PNDU’s Certificate of Appreciation

In recognition of their generous donation of PNDU’s website design, Miranda and Karen said thank you to Orange Line and presented directors, David and David, and the design and technical team, Carina, MJ and Donna, a Certificate of Appreciation in early January 2018. This website is something we are very proud of and grateful for.  It …

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Happy 9th Birthday PNDU!

  We’re celebrating!  And in recognising how PNDU has grown and developed, we wish to thank everyone who has supported us, whether you’re a new PNDU friend, or have been with us since we began. While we’re celebrating, we’d like to invite you to become a PNDU member, if you’re not one already.  It’s free and open to …

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A new edition of Dripline is out!

The August-October 2017 edition of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page. Learn about how Talon is progressing after his organ transplant, about the exciting inaugural SNUG family camp for our junior HPNer families at Myuna Bay, access PNDU’s new travel insurance information sheet, buy an individually hand-crafted PNDU recipe book made by one of …

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