Dripline Issue 41 is out!

The August-October 2022 issue of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

This is a huge issue, packed with information about HPN Awareness Week activities and how HPNers are ably supported by their support group, PNDU, and by their PN providers. Read about, and see photos of, the pharmacy tours; see some of the Instagram and Facebook posts telling how being on HPN doesn’t stop enjoyment of activities; in fact, HPN: Our Life – it gives us the ability to enjoy our lives.

Read about a tour from the perspective of one of our 13yr old members; discover medically appropriate toys and books for paediatric HPNers; learn about the upcoming AuSPEN Consumers’ Workshop and register – for either in-person or streaming attendance; and where to join the PNDU Social Gathering! Also read about PNDU president, Chris’, visit to Canberra; and discover how buying books from Book Depository for Christmas can help PNDU financially. I hope you make time and enjoy the read,

Dripline Editor


  • Finding Representation in Books and Toys for Young HPN Kids
  • HPN Awareness Week ’22 Summary
  • Baxter’s Pharmacy Tour (Old Toongabbie) by 13yr old HPNer Emily
  • Melbourne’s HPN Consumer Workshop and Social Gathering – register • RVA in Canberra, Celebrating 10yrs of Rare Disease Advocacy
  • Donations through Book Depository
  • World HAN Day
  • Upcoming Events
  • Thank You
  • Planning an Overseas Holiday
  • PNDU information: Membership, donations and contact information
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