A new edition of Dripline is here!

Wishing all our readers a very happy and healthy 2017!

The November-January 2017 edition of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

Sit back and relax as you read our latest edition, including patient comments about eating, exercise, and what they would wish for to improve their quality of life. Read about Mayana, a very young HPN member being cared for by her grandmother.
We find out about our 2016 PNDU Annual Award winners, and read about both a Sydney get-together, as well as PNDU’s annual social gathering held last year in Melbourne just before the AuSPEN ASM. There are articles on the latest research on blood thinning patches and on surface coatings on medical devices that might thwart infection. Another ‘What’s in Your Bag’ tells about the importance of glucose in our PN, and we learn why sugar is bad for intestines.

All this and more – enjoy!



  • Farewell Nat – a tribute
  • Goodbye to our Sydney Baxter Drivers
  • PNDU Award Winners 2016
  • Can You Eat? – Members’ replies and comments to this question
  • Sydney PNDU Social Gathering
  • New self-regulating smart blood-thinning patches
  • Sneaky (creative!) Ways to Feed Fussy Toddlers
  • PNDU Annual Social Gathering – Melbourne
  • AuSPEN’s HPN Consumer Workshop postponed, and PNDU at AuSPEN’s ASM in Melbourne
  • Getting Around on HPN
  • What’s in Your Bag – Glucose – Continuing our series
  • Why is Sugar Bad for the Intestines?
  • Mayana’s Story
  • Cruising for HPNers
  • A Great Day Out
  • What does an HPNer Wish for?
  • Recycling our Silver Bubble Wrap – another creative idea
  • Slippery Surface Coatings for Medical Devices could help Thwart Infection
  • A Day in the Life on an HPNer – Best Laid Plans
  • Exercise for the HPNer
  • Christmas Thank You Gift
  • Birthday Corner
  • Planning Overseas Travel with HPN?
  • Website Update
  • Thank You
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