A new edition of Dripline is here!

The February-April 2016 edition of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

This issue, read about Jodie’s family holiday in WA and a Canadian HPNer’s visit to Australia and beyond; a new member’s story; a members experiences in central line repairs; read about dietary restrictions and kids, a comparison of intravenous lock solutions, a summarised paper on Omega 3 for PN induced Cholestasis; and much more!
Grab a cuppa and take the time to find out a little bit more about life for those on HPN (Home Parenteral Nutrition).



  • PNDU Invited to the Table – Taking Healthcare Home Ideas Lab
  • Mobile Family Fun – Jodie’s family holiday
  • Hints and Tips for Living with HPN – from our members
  • From Victoria, Canada, to Sydney – a Canadian HPNer visits
  • Birthday Corner
  • A.S.P.E.N. Congratulates Dr Stanley Dudrick – a pioneer of Clinical Nutrition
  • Omega 3 Lipids and their Effects on PN Induced Liver Cholestasis – a paper by Dr Jeejeebhoy’s team
  • Plane Travel: Advice from a [young American] HPNer
  • Life on HPN – Some Thoughts from HPNers and Carers
  • Limiting Central Line Repairs – an HPNer’s Experience
  • What is Your Plan B? –What happens when things go wrong: ideas from some members
  • A Day in the Life of an HPNer – storage
  • Teresa’s Story
  • PNDU Cards
  • PNDU Website – an update
  • Dietary Restrictions and Kids
  • A Comparison of Intravenous Lock Solutions
  • A multilingual HPN dictionary
  • PNDU Activities
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