Dripline Issue 46 is out!

The November-January 2024 issue of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

Read about PNDU MC members, Chris (president) and Gillians (vice president and Dripline editor’s) time in Auckland at the AuSPEN Annual Scientific Conference, as well as the Auckland social gathering. Read PNDU adult professional award winner, Emma Osland’s, response and thank you, as well as an update on a project that is very important for all HPNers – the HPN Model of Care project. Discover a possible alternate type of PN used by a member for travel when a fridge isn’t available; and we reprint Julia’s article about toys and resources that she has discovered to help her little HPNer adjust to life on HPN. Karen remembers, Rosie, a past PNDU member as well as updating us on the World’s first IV Passport Award; and most importantly: save the dates for upcoming events, especially February 3rd, for the Sydney social gathering and a second PNDU SNUG camp later this year. I hope you find some useful and/or informative articles in this issue.

Dripline Editor


  • PNDU Needs You
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Sydney social gathering
    • Brisbane social gathering
    • Annual social gathering, HPN Consumer workshop, Brisbane and travel sponsorships
  • PNDU advocacy
  • Family SNUG camp
  • PNDU at AuSPEN’s Annual Scientific Conference Auckland, November 2013
  • Auckland Social Gathering
  • PNDU Lifetime Award
  • AuSPEN’s HPN Model of Care update
  • HPN Model of Care Phase 1 Report
  • Finding Representation in Books and Toys for Young HPNer Kids
  • PNDU Professional Award 2023 Recipient, Emma Osland, Thanks Us
  • Two Trips, Two Types of PN
  • World’s First IV Passport earns a Prestigious Award
  • Remembering Rosie
  • Thank You
  • PNDU information: Membership, donations and contact information
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