Dripline Issue 35 is out!

The February-April 2021 issue of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

I hope you enjoy the latest issue of Dripline. We have a glimpse into Cataleya’s life after HPN; share Sal’s joy at her daughter’s and her son’s weddings earlier in the year; we understand a bit of the struggle for HPNers trying to study with a chronic illness; we learn of the importance of micronutrients in our diet, and hence in our PN bag; and read an abstract of a study re line repairs for our young members. I thank all the contributors for their time and efforts in helping to make Dripline an interesting, relevant read for those on HPN, as well as clinicians.

Dripline Editor


  • Donations using Book Depository
  • A Child’s Life after HPN – Cataleya
  • Birthday Corner
  • A Day in the Life of an HPNer – Studying Whilst on HPN
  • What’s in Your PN Bag? Micronutrients
  • Wedding Season – Sal’s 2 family weddings
  • Central Venous Catheter Repairs on Paediatric IF Patients
  • Upcoming Events
  • Thank You
  • Planning Overseas Travel
  • PNDU Information: Membership, donations and contact information
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