A new issue of Dripline is out!

The August-October 2019 issue of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

This is a very busy time for PNDU’s Management Committee and HPNers, as it includes both PNDU’s AGM and Awareness Week, the time that we are able to consciously try to inform the general public about living life on HPN (Home Parenteral Nutrition). This issue introduces the new MC members; provides a summary of Awareness Week activities; includes 2 young adult HPNers’ stories; members’ comments about their HPNer children and sport; how to access a new PNDU hints and tips sheet on applying for NDIS support; A Day in the Life of an HPNer on the topic of Fatigue; members’ comments about HPN and Anxiety; discovering the importance of Vitamin C; as well as farewelling our past president, Karen. I hope you find the issue informative and an enjoyable read as we share aspects of life on HPN with you,

All this and more,



  • PNDU’s New Management Committee, including an excerpt from Karen’s final President’s Report – 19th August 2019
  • Karen’s Farewell Lunch
  • Fighting for a Change and a Cure – Ebony’s Story
  • The Week that was…Awareness Week 2019, day by day
  • Haylee’s Story
  • HPN Children and Sport
  • Freedom for ‘Pumpkin’ – (helping a baby to get around the house)
  • Anxiety and HPNers
  • Navigating NDIS Applications – PNDU’s ‘Tips’ Sheet
  • Introducing Teduglutide (Revestive®) for Intestinal Adaption (a reprint with apology)
  • Vitamin C, the ‘Limey’s’ Nutrient
  • Birthday Corner
  • A Day in the Life of an HPNer – Fatigue
  • HPNers and the Work Force: HPN and Employment – A Call for Requests
  • A Handy Storage Unit
  • Japanese Public Toilets for Ostomates
  • Upcoming Events
  • Planning an Overseas Holiday
  • Thank You
  • PNDU Information: Membership, Donations and Contact Information

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