Dripline Issue 47 is out!

The Feb-April 2024 issue of our newsletter, Dripline, is out now and available here or from our Dripline page.

It’s been a very eventful three months for the PNDU MC and for members. Happily, we
read of two of our ‘littlies’, Syena and Leo, successfully starting kindergarten this year;
and of young Mayana having success with Revestive; we catch up with some members
at the Sydney social gathering, and learn how many members had to cancel for the
Brisbane social gathering; we hear of the several advocacy groups’ conferences that
Chris, our president, has attended on our behalf, all with the potential of helping HPNers’
(and other rare diseases sufferers’) quality of life. PNDU’s MC once again requests more
volunteers to share the load. And sadly, we farewell Frances (Frankie) Shaw, born in Mt
Isa and on HPN for 35 years; ‘at peace now’ – Norman Shaw.

Dripline Editor

• Volunteers Needed for PNDU
• Syena and Leo Start School
• Mayana’s Experience with Revestive
• Australian Patient Advocacy Alliance Summit
• Upcoming Events and Social Gatherings
• Patient Voice Initiative Workshop
• PNDU’s Annual Sydney Social Gathering
• RVA Federal Parliamentary Event on Rare Voices Day 2024
• PNDU’s Social Gathering , Brisbane
• In Memoriam
• Thank You
• PNDU information: Membership, donations and contact information

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